2.14 This Spiritual Fix Podcast -Look into My Eyes: Exploring Brain Waves, Hypnosis, and Trance States

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Have you ever arrived at your destination without a clear memory of how you got there? You’ve experienced trance. Today’s conversations between two best friends is all about brain waves, self-hypnosis, and trance states. Learn some easy hacks to enrich your life, heal your wounds, and enhance your intuition by navigating the different parts of you.

Also discussed today: The Silva Mind Control Method, dream tribes, the Matrix, and Sufism.


BBG by Kayla Itsines

Biogeometry Shop

Dumbo, Disney Movie


Lacy Phillips

The Silva Ultramind System by José Silva & Vishen Lakhiani, at MindValley

The Silva Mind Control Method by José Silva

Through Time into Healing, by Brian Weiss

Uncompromised Life by Marisa Peer Course, at MindValley

Contact Movie, 1997

Alfred A. Barrios, PhD Study, A Reappraisal of Hypnotherapy, 1970

Hypnotherapy & Smoking Cessation Study

Hypnotherapy & Weight Loss Meta-Analysis

Hypnotherapy & Drug Addiction Study

Ways to get into Alpha:

  1. Be aware of all 5 senses of something imagined.

  2. The 333,222,111 method from José Silva (3= relax body; 2 = relax mind; 1 = get centered).

  3. Meditation

Ways to get into Theta:

  1. Roll your eyes to the top of your head and take a few breaths, relax your whole body, even your eyes. Tilt your chin slightly and imagine a staircase of ten steps and walk down. Look into Marisa Peer for more.

  2. Check out our upcoming episode on lucid dreaming.

"The greatest discovery you'll ever make, is the potential of your own mind."

-José Silva