6.12 The Primal Wounds, Again, Part Three: Injustice
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Kristina and Anna are revisiting the primal wounds. We took two-year break to recover from doing this shadow work. Today’s episode re-airs the original episode and also includes an update and reflection on what they have learned since we first addressed our injustice wound.
Have you ever experienced the rage and indignation of injustice? Do you find the people who don’t agree with you, “beneath you?” Have you ever wanted to even the scales or take revenge? In this episode you will learn how to recognize the ways in which the injustice wound shows up in your every day life. Kristina and Anna explore how “rigid” behavior is the coping mechanism to protect oneself from this wound. We will explore tools and experiences that help us forgive and love their own sense of injustice. And you can do it, too!
If you liked this episode, click here to learn about our five week masterclass on healing The Mother Wound.
PDF Download:
1.17 Summary of the Injustice Wound
Healing Packet:
What is your primary wound ? Click here.
Heal Your Wounds and Find Your True Self, By Lise Bourbeau