6.14 The Primal Wounds, Again, Part Five: Humiliation
Kristina and Anna are revisiting the primal wounds, after taking a break to recover from doing this shadow work process two years ago. This episode re-airs the original episode and also includes an update and reflection on what they have learned since the first recording. The original episode has been our most shared episode to date!
This dialogue is about how forgiveness sets you free from the burden of suffering, and also collapses the story that keeps you stuck. Kristina discusses “True Forgiveness” from A Course in Miracle, as taught by Gary Renard. Anna discusses Ho'oponopono as taught by Dr. Hew Lin. If you want to learn the art of collapsing dimensions, which opens the door to new possibilities, you won’t want to miss this episode.
PDF Download:
1.14 Six Methods for Forgiveness
The Original Episode (S1, Ep 14)
The Disappearance of the Universe by Gary Renard
Ho’oponopono on Wikipedia
Original Ho’oponopono Prayer by Mornah Nalamaku Simeona
Zero Limits by Dr. Joe Vitale