6.20 Healing the Sibling Wound

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Today’s episode is special, as the structure and content of it were revealed to Anna in a dream. This episode is in response to our listeners’ requests after hearing the Siblings episode — many of you wrote in and requested an additional episode on healing the Sibling Wound.

How do we repair the Sibling Wound? The same way we repair any relationship, only this relationship has more history and key characters. In today’s episode you will discover realistic expectations to healing your sibling bond, and a step-by-step plan to repair it. We hope you enjoy listening!

Five Levels of a Disharmonious Relationship:

Level 1: 0-20% of interactions are disharmonious

Level 2: 20-40% of interactions are disharmonious

Level 3: 40-60% of interactions are disharmonious

Level 4: 60-80% of interactions are disharmonious

Level 5: 80-100% of interactions are disharmonious

Five Tips to Heal A Sibling Wound:

1) Forgiveness (Emotional)

2) Feed Your Demon / Family Constellation (Mental)

3) 360 Life Review

4) Conversation

5) Mediation

Episodes Referenced In this Episode:

1.14 Hooponopono / True Forgiveness

2.07 The Drama Triangle

4.11 Near Death Experiences

6.16 Reconnecting

6.17 Siblings

Books Referenced:

Limitless Book

The Four Agreements

John Gottman’s New Book

Celestine Prophecy


Harvesting Your Own Seeds

Me+ App (ADHD Calendar)

Pearls (Daily Book Summaries)

How To Feed Your Demons

Robbie Houcek Contact (Shaman)

Paul Lewis Contact (Mediator)

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